Cabra Castle Hotel, Kingscourt, Co. Cavan
Discounted wedding rate for guests wishing to stay over night at Cabra Castle:
Double room (B & B) : €72.50 pps (€145 for double)
Single room (B & B) : €92.50
The hotel is provisionally holding rooms for us so if you would like to avail of these rooms just ring up Cabra Castle, tell them you are guests at Dearbhla and Dean’s wedding on 3rd Jan and would like to book a room.
We will have to let any unbooked rooms go by the end of November.
Also run by Cabra Castle in their grounds is a quaint Gate Lodge with sleeps up to 7 people.
Cabra Castle have a strict policy that only guests of Cabra Castle and the Gate Lodge have access to the residents bar which will stay open until 4am.
Contact Cabra Castle Hotel at 042 966 7030.

Visit the Cabra Castle Hotel website.